You hit the nail on the head with this article!! I'm having the exact same problems with my Eve Home systems. Very frustrating. BTW, I generally get my Eve Home devices to work by putting my iphone into airplane mode and then back out - generally that resolves the connection issues... Except I can't add my wife's phone to allow Eve Home control. Dang!
Since as with many things, money is the issue. Perhaps some company can come up with a premium (i.e. expensive) product that just works simply. Perhaps not a huge market, but maybe lucrative nonetheless. I'd be a buyer!
You hit the nail on the head with this article!! I'm having the exact same problems with my Eve Home systems. Very frustrating. BTW, I generally get my Eve Home devices to work by putting my iphone into airplane mode and then back out - generally that resolves the connection issues... Except I can't add my wife's phone to allow Eve Home control. Dang!
Since as with many things, money is the issue. Perhaps some company can come up with a premium (i.e. expensive) product that just works simply. Perhaps not a huge market, but maybe lucrative nonetheless. I'd be a buyer!